You couldn't ask for a better day for a Paddlefest. Well, you could, but that would be greedy.
In the midst of an incredible run of sunny weather, Louise, Paula, Bernie (yes, even Bernie!) and I arrived at Willows Beach for the 2013 version of the MEC Victoria Paddlefest.
And it was a picture-perfect day, unlike last year's "Fog-fest."
But bright sunny skies made for a big turn-out this year, as we bumped into old friends and paddling buddies.

There were already a lot of kayaks in the water when we arrived....

...so we headed up the beach to check displays and boats. Here Louise and Paula watch as a potential customer checks out a boat.

Paula chatted up the Necky rep for a bit....

...then headed out on Ocean River's Discovery Island tour....

...so Louise and I tried out some boats.
Louise headed out in a Sterling Reflection on loan for the day from one of The Hurricane Riders.
No sooner had Louise got in the kayak, then our friend Mark rolled up onto the beach in another Reflection. He and Louise traded notes while I continued to practice the art of taking unflattering photos of kayakers.

While Louise was out in the Reflection, I took a Sterling Grand Illusion out. These are nicely outfitted and sturdy boats. And insanely light to carry.
Next, Louise took out a Tahe Marine boat. I didn't catch which model it was, but I think it's a Reval.

Louise wasn't as keen on it, and didn't like the seat very much. I took a Boréal Design Epsilon C300 out for a spin and quite enjoyed it.
All in all, a gorgeous day at the beach.

Trip length: .42 km
YTD: 29.03 km
More pictures are here.